Elderberry Tea

Elderberry Tea

This post should be called Elderberry Tea two ways because I use them both. When I travel I tend to make the teas directly from the dried berry. Whereas when I am tucked into my own space, I like to make the tea from the Elderberry Syrup that is a homemade staple in my fridge. Elderberries daily that is the rule. Elderberry Tea-Tea In this instance you make a simple tea from the berries themselves. Bring 2 cups water to a boil and pour over 1Tbl Dried Elderberries. Allow to steep for 5 to 10 minutes. Drink straight up or stir in some honey while thinking a lovely thought. Elderberry Syrup Tea ***Do not make this style of tea with the store bought variety unless it directs you to. This is my favorite way to take elderberry daily. The syrup is a delicious purple-black liquid and feels decadent. I like simple things that make me feel really taken care of. I add a TBL of syrup (Recipe) to 1 cup of hot but not boiling water. Mix together, stir in some kindness, and voila.     Where can you get Dried Elderberries and bulk herbs? I mail order mine from several different places, including: Mountain Rose Herbs Frontier If I am in Baltimore, I get them from my friend Jenny at Zensations. Scientific Literature (retrieved: 2/5/17): Elderberries against the Flu https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9395631 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15080016 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19548290 Why Honey? https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28663690 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28539734 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17877657 Medical Disclaimer: None of this should be misconstrued as medical advice.        ...
Tumeric and Honey

Tumeric and Honey

It is POURING here. Pouring. But I think that the weather is absolutely delicious because I don’t have to go anywhere. I am writing this and then settling into a corner with a new book and a cup of Tumeric Tea. I have had arthritis in my ankle since I was in my early twenties and whenever it rains for a full day, or more, the ache begins. Since it isn’t my first time on this merry go round, I know that ache is coming and purposefully up my tumeric intake. I mix it in to a lot of my food. Everything turns yellow. But my favorite use is to make a tea with Tumeric and honey. Why? Tumeric’s main compound curcumin is a wonder at calming inflammation, and there is a lot of research supporting its healing abilities. Seems weird but to make it work add a few cracks of pepper. Black Pepper (pepperine) makes Curcumin have more bioavailability  – truly – they are synergistic and the curcumin is pretty useless without it. Honey, well that makes everything better, doesn’t it? But honey is a wonder. It does so many things that it is considered a nutraceutical. Meaning, Medical Doctors are calling it medicine! To make the paste I use a 1:1 ratio. For one cup of Tumeric and Honey Tea: 2tsps tumeric + 2tsps honey + black pepper Mix into a paste. Add hot water and stir. For a week of  Tumeric and Honey Tea: 3 Tbl Tumeric + 3 Tbl honey + black pepper Mix into a paste Store in fridge (no longer than a week)....
Chai Green Tea

Chai Green Tea

Traditional Chai made with heavy black tea thick with spices has been a longstanding favorite of mine. Lately though, I have been trying to drink more Green Tea, so I have been rocking this version.  Its a nice twist. 16 ounces of water 1 TBL Green Tea 4 Cloves 2 Cinnamon Sticks 5 Black Peppercorns 4 Cardomom Pods, split 2 inches of Ginger Add spices and water to a pot. Bring to a steady boil and allow the liquid to reduce by 4 ounces. Remove from heat and add tea. Allow it to steep for several minutes (no more than 5 because the tea may become bitter). Strain and serve with a touch of honey. Green tea is good for digestion and great for the metabolism. Scientific literature (retrieved 2/4/18): https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19147161...
Fire Cider

Fire Cider

Herbal medicine is really the medicine of the people. Meaning it is for everyone. Fire Cider is an old elixir and one of my favorites to have on hand.  It does take time to chop everything up and patience (because it takes about a month to come together) but I find all the effort totally worth it. This recipe is very forgiving (meaning lots of different versions exist), I simply chop up all the organic goodness and add it to a mason jar with organic apple cider vinegar. I riddle it daily after that – shake, shake, shake. Today’s Fire Cider version includes: Onion, peeled and roughly chopped Garlic, peeled and roughly chopped Tumeric, peeled and roughly chopped Ginger, peeled and roughly chopped Horseradish, peeled and roughly chopped Lemon Zest Rosemary (dried, from my garden) Cayenne Pepper Black Pepper Corns     I don’t measure. I don’t worry about the veggies being chopped just so. I just fill the jar with the ingredients to a few inches shy of the brim and then add the Apple Cider Vinegar, covering everything in the jar. I close the lid and place it in the cupboard with my mugs (think cool and dark for its storage place). I store it with my mugs because that way I will see it every day and remember to give it a little love shake – I usually sing a little love song to it too. I believe in the power of intention and you can bet if I feed you something there is a message of love and light in the recipe too.  After a...


How to deal with the stress of the holiday season?!?!?! Geez Louise it is always so much fun to talk to Sydney and Amy on WJHL’s Morning News! I think it is so wonderful that the morning news is taking time to inspire its viewers to take care of themselves. So thoughtful, so meaningful. I think self care (which really isn’t about a mani pedi) becomes super duper important at this time of year. It always seems as if there is so much to do and so little daylight to do it in. I swear I am actually solar powered and at this time of year when things get busier my natural inclination (which I sadly cannot give into) is to make a nest and do less. 1. My first suggestion is to remember to BREATHE.  You deserve air! Think of it as a free gift you can give yourself anywhere! Here is a blog post that really goes in depth about the breath, the science behind it, and then offers you several powerful healing practices: http://briannabedigian.com/yoga-as-medicine/ 2. Soothe your body and being by making yourself a warm cuppa ginger tea. This tea is especially helpful if your tummy is having difficulty dealing with all the bounty: http://briannabedigian.com/simple-ginger-tea/ 3. Make simple homemade gifts. If they look homemade, even better. This is a wonderful way to keep costs low and do something meaningful for someone else.  Personally, I love giving and receiving gifts like this. One of my favorite aromatherapy treats is this: http://briannabedigian.com/aromatherapy-i-loveth-you/ Another easy aromatherapy recipe is: A Container (mason jar, milk jar or something like that) Enough...