by Brianna | Oct 22, 2015 | Affirmations, Breathing, Healing Yoga Practice, Hypnosis Davidson, Power of Thought, practice, Reading Yoga Betterment, Yoga Davidson
Whenever I am out moving through a beautiful landscape it is so much easier to feel at ease. There is an abiding peace that happens when I spend time with the waters, the forest, the desert, and everything else in between. Does that happen for you? The world did not have to be beautiful to work. But it is. What does that mean? Mary Oliver Nature is my personal church. I find it easier to pray if I am outside. Usually I am walking. Sometimes I am dancing. After all, there is always a reason to rock out to the Joyful Song. Last night I listened to several interviews with Mary Oliver – she and Rumi are my most favorite poets. Much of the conversation was based on her love of a walk in the woods, both in reference to exercise and Walden’s beautiful book. Like him, her love of nature resounds throughout her writing. For an entire year, at the end of every yoga class I read Mary Oliver’s poem Wild Geese. Arguably a repetitive offering to my students. But I often find that there is power by way of repetition. I have certainly seen that power in my personal practice and in my students’ practices. During the course of the following interview she speaks to the the necessity of repetition and rigor in her art. She touches on the many failed attempts and the requirement to keep going, keep doing, keep writing. Plus she recites Wild Geese: Mary Oliver On Being Question: Where have you seen the power of repetition in your own life? To...
by Brianna | Jul 30, 2013 | Healing, practice, Reading, Reading Yoga Betterment, Uncategorized
I have always been a reader. Besides cooking, dancing and playing any sport that involved a ball – it was what I liked to do best when I was younger. My brother when we were little would say: “Bri doesn’t read. She eats books.” A weird little thing about me is that if you lend me a book and you get it back in the same condition then the truth is I didn’t read it. At least I didn’t read your actual copy. My books are used up when I am finished with them – they are like velveteen rabbits with bits worn off. I learned a while back, when I returned books to nasty looks, never to actually read someone’s book. I find that people get annoyed when their cover is peeled back and the binding is broken. I still read a lot – my typical average is one to two books a week. I love fiction but I LOVE reading more and my books span a variety of topics. This summer some really remarkable works have come into my life. Books that I know I will turn to again and again with time. Greg Bradden, Divine Matrix Brené Brown, Daring Greatly Brené Brown, Men, Women and Worthiness Gary Chapman, The 5 Love Languages Gay Hendricks, The Big Leap Each of these works pushed me in some way. Some provided a valuable insight into an issue one of my clients or myself was facing. Several of them blew my mind wide open and have literally rocked my beliefs. Within each of these works though is a very simple...