by Brianna | Feb 5, 2024 | Perimenopause
In my early twenties I dealt with a lot of inflammation. It was the beginning of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome which announced itself by me suddenly being reactive to almost anything I ate. And I mean reactive – Epi pen in my purse reactive. A good friend recommended a remarkable nutritionist Mark Mincolla and with his help and the help of many others over the course of years I rebuilt myself. At the time, in the late 90s, people thought I was nuts. Gluten free? Limited sugar? Probiotics? Who was this quack I believed in? But I knew Mark was right because I could feel the impact in my body and so I continued on. And continue on to this day with the many things he and others taught me. Recently my inflammation is up. Way up. I live in the body of the tin man. It is strange in that I still practice yoga every day but now my fluidity is gone. It is especially bad during parts of my cycle where my estrogen drops lower than low.This inflammation is not because of something I am doing wrong. There is no will to work. I already do the things to limit inflammation and have for decades it is simply my body trying to function with limited estrogen and it is not a fan.It helps me to know that joint pain, aches, even pain that mirrors arthritis is a part of the shift to menopause. I don’t suddenly have rheumatoid arthritis. I don’t have fibromyalgia. I simply have low estrogen which is a normal part of aging – and all...
by Brianna | Sep 26, 2023 | Perimenopause
Finding a doctor who knows about perimenopause can be challenging. Many doctors do not know about the constellation of symptoms associated with it because they did not receive training during medical school. Medical Society The North American Menopause SocietyThis society provides specialized training to medical professionals for perimenopause / menopause and also has a searchable database of practitioners. This website offers a wealth of information on standard of care practices that are printable and you can share with your doctor.Physicians who are following the Galveston Diet method as taught by Dr. Mary HaverPhysician List Virtual Physician ResourceMidi This is a virtual point of service between you and and a clinician trained in perimenopause / menopause. It is not in every state. It does take insurance. FriendsThis is an often untapped resource. Ask your friends if they have a doctor they like and who listens to them – if you are uncomfortable having this conversation face to face send a text. Hey Girl: do you like your doctor?Do they listen to you? Do you ever feel dismissed? Have you talked to them about perimenopause? What did they say? Would your recommend them to me?If you do not have insurance:Planned ParenthoodYour local Planned Parenthood may be a great resource especially if you do not have insurance. Remember they are focused on female health not just pregnancy. Please note this is not medical...
by Brianna | Aug 1, 2023 | Perimenopause
This Perimenopause Bibliography will grow with time so check back – Updated 9/13/24Please note I have no affiliation with any doctor or company. This is for your personal use and not medical advice.NAMES AND TITLES ARE LINKS How to find a doctor: How to Find a Doctor trained in perimenopauseMedical Resources created by Doctors:There are several doctors that share a tremendous amount of information through their books, blogs, podcasts and social media accounts: Dr. Kelly CapersonDr. Mary Claire HaverDr. Louise Newsom Dr. Lisa MosconiDr. Corinne Menn(Breast Cancer Survivor)Dr. Vonda Wright Basic Information on Perimenopause/Menopause:Mayo Clinic Menopause Empowerment Guide (Created by Mary Claire Haver) Menopause Society: This medical society trains doctors and offers women a wealth of resources, including standard of care practices: North American Menopause SocietyMental Health Information Its Harvard: MGH CENTER for Womens Mental HealthExploring Menopause’s Impact on Brain Health BOOKS:Estrogen MattersThe New Menopause The Menopause Brain The Menopause Manifesto PODCASTS:Huberman Lab: PerimenopauseThe DailyYour Fifty and your body is changing its time for a talkAs Menopause Nears be aware that it can trigger depression and anxiety too Links to Articles and Abstracts: The Menopause Transition: Signs, Symptoms, and Management Options Symptom interference with work and relationships during the menopausal transition and early postmenopause: observations from the Seattle Midlife Women’s Health Study Complementary and Alternative Medicine for Menopause Depression and menopause symptoms go together Women have been mislead about menopause Hormone therapy, long shunned for a possible breast cancer link, is now seen as a short-term treatment for menopause...
by Brianna | Jul 31, 2023 | Perimenopause, Self advocacy
Self advocacy in medicine cannot be overrated. Doctors are not infallible. Medicine is vast and many only know their limited lane. Many also don’t believe women. Although my focus right now is sharing about perimenopause I want to share this story about postnatal care (or lack there of) to highlight why standing up for yourself is important. Addy’s birth was medical. I had gestational diabetes and spent months of my pregnancy having to monitor my food and put insulin in my belly. I was also 42. The whole thing was medicated and orchestrated. When I went for my six week check up I didn’t feel right. My doctor was like you are fine. The uterus is shrinking. Another week. Another appointment. Another week. Another appointment. I read about retained placenta. I felt into my body. I felt like that is me. Another week. Another appointment. He told me it was in my head. He told me to go home. But lucky for me I am also a bitch and I refused to leave until I received an ultrasound. I knew I was right when I heard the tech gasp. And there it was: retained placenta. I had a DNC to remove it. I took fistfuls of antibiotics. If I hadn’t of done that. If I hadn’t of self advocated. If the Baltimore Brianna who did not take shit had not risen in me I would be dead. I would be one of those postnatal statistics that we are all talking about. If you aren’t with a doctor that believes women go to someone else. I fired that doctor. Truthfully...
by Brianna | Jul 31, 2023 | Perimenopause
Perimenopause is not something anyone told me about. These past few years I have been struggling with a constellation of symptoms. They seemed disparate – migraines, UTIs, racing heart, brain fog, anxiety, sleeplessness, overall tightness and joint pain. I went to doctors. I did the scans. Did the meds. The yoga. The meditation. The Ashwaganda. I stopped drinking. I gave up sugar. I still felt awful. And monthly I went through a rotation of medical appointments. Last summer – and I am safe now, I am fine – I started to have an extreme issue after ovulation and I would fall into a deep pit of despair. Then my period would come and it would lift like a fever dream. Then the next month the circle would start again. At the time this was happening to me a friend, a beautiful woman, killed herself in a shocking way and it snapped me awake. I called my new to me OB (the old one was fired because of piss poor postnatal care) and she fit me in that day. She said all of this was perimenopause and prescribed progesterone. And in that moment I was in despair but two days later (before my period came) I was fine. I was just fine. All of my symptoms were one thing and all of them are gone. I have not shared this before because it is very personal. But the thing is – my friends are suffering. I talk to random women and they are suffering. And there is no need. Perimenopause is puberty in reverse and for many it is a...