Chai Green Tea

Traditional Chai made with heavy black tea thick with spices has been a longstanding favorite of mine. Lately though, I have been trying to drink more Green Tea, so I have been rocking this version.  Its a nice twist.

16 ounces of water
1 TBL Green Tea
4 Cloves
2 Cinnamon Sticks
5 Black Peppercorns
4 Cardomom Pods, split
2 inches of Ginger

Add spices and water to a pot. Bring to a steady boil and allow the liquid to reduce by 4 ounces. Remove from heat and add tea. Allow it to steep for several minutes (no more than 5 because the tea may become bitter). Strain and serve with a touch of honey.

Green tea is good for digestion and great for the metabolism.

Scientific literature (retrieved 2/4/18):