I heart Reiki

Katrina, Stephanie and KC – Reiki I Attunement When I first heard about Reiki I was struggling with Chronic Fatigue (CFS).  Before my illness I would have been hard pressed to even participate in a conversation about energy work and its healing abilities. In fact I am positive I would have closed my ears entirely.  However, the version of me with Chronic Fatigue was open to anything that could possibly bring me back to myself. At that point I was more than a year into my battle with CFS (which is far, far more than simply being tired).  I felt betrayed by my body and because of my illness I had no choice but to transform my power yoga practice to one of a restorative nature. Over the course of my illness I utilized numerous styles of doctors, nurses, chiropractors, acupuncturists, therapists, and nutritionists in an effort to heal myself. I also rested. Rested. Rested. Rested. The second winter of my illness I relocated from Maine to Arizona in order to have sunlight and warmth through the darkest months. It was there that someone recommended Reiki and it was then that I had unknowingly moved myself directly across the street from a metaphysical college that offered training.  Mike and Kelly – Reiki I Attunement I never had a treatment session.  I just signed-up for a Reiki I Attunement and was over the course of the weekend changed forever.  Reiki (and just to be clear no one actually knows what it “really” is – is defined as Universal Life Force Energy, which is similar in concept to Prana and Chi.)...